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Whilst living in a property let by swindon homes, we informed them of a few maintenance issues these were: Mould in EVERY room of property during winter and lack of ventilation, there reply was to open the windows even though it was winter including whilst having a shower...... I dont think they would do the same. Heaters needed fixing each winter as they kept breaking, it took 3 weeks to get fixed as the landlord was on holiday and swindon homes "couldnt" use there own electrition. It was that cold, we could see our own breath. Water tank broke down and we were told technically we had hot water due to havin an electric shower which heated the water, and when I asked how I was meant to wash up, they say "its not too hard to boil a kettle" Also had rats for months with no urgency to resolve the problem, we had to pay for a professional to come and get rid of them. And finally the main door lock was broken and we fixed that as no one seemed to care......... If u choose to rent / buy from this agency, you must be mad

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